What is SICM?

Corporate Reverse Drugs Bidding (SICM 2015) is the process by which Ecuador can identify and select national and international bidders for the supply of drugs for human use and consumption.

The Ecuadorian government plans to acquire 414 types of medications that are part of the National Table of Basic Drugs (the 9th. Review). This represents the purchase of approximately $ 500 million dollars in drugs in two years.

The Ministry of Public Health (MSP - acronym in Spanish), the Ecuadorian Social Security Institute (IESS - acronym in Spanish), the Social Security Institute of the Armed Forces (ISSFA - acronym in Spanish) and the Social Security Institute of the Police (ISSPOL - acronym in Spanish) structured the demand for drugs. In total, 6,604 health units that are part of the Public Integral Health Network will receive the drugs, according to a delivery schedule, and once they are published in the Drugs e-Inventory (electronic catalog) that is managed by the National Public Procurement Service (SERCOP - acronym in Spanish).


The National Public Procurement Service carried out a unique Corporate Reverse Drugs Bidding (SICM 2010) that began in July 2010 and ended in January 2012 with the signing of more than 200 General Agreements. The acquired drugs formed the first Drugs e-Inventory, the same that has been in effect since that year; therefore, it requires the implementation of a new selection process that would supply Ecuador of new medicines. During 2014 the total amount of drugs acquired amounted USD $ 203,172,361.41

In this new Corporate Reverse Drugs Bidding (SICM 2015) there will be the use of a recently implemented electronic system under the zero papers policy, for greater flexibility, efficiency and transparency. In addition, to encourage the participation of suppliers, the requirements to be submitted ex ante, for both national and international suppliers, have been reduced, to facilitate their right to be part of the process, without barriers.

Before starting the bid, the Ministry of Health, the Ecuadorian Institute of Social Security, the Social Security Institute of the Armed Forces, the Social Security Institute of the Police and SERCOP, performed the following activities:

-Structuring agency teams.
-Consolidated drugs demand for the next two years.
-Definition of a Unique Drug Code and conception of technical sheets of drugs and medical devices.
-Determination of reference prices.
-Determination of technical conditions and health requirements for medicines.
-Development of templates of tender specifications, records and reports, in order to have a standardized structure in the process implementation.
-Issue the Regulation of Corporate Reverse Drugs Bidding to regulate the process implementation.
-Design and implementation of an IT platform in the Public Procurement System.

Health as a guaranteed right for all the population!